Crazy JS Concepts to Know

Crazy JS Concepts to Know

$5 $9.99
Last updated: 6/2024


This ebook is a comprehensive guide covering essential JavaScript concepts that every developer should know. The following list presents the topics in a new order to enhance the flow of information and learning experience:

  1. Clean Code
  2. Design Patterns
  3. Data Structures
  4. Algorithms
  5. Collections and Generators
  6. Inheritance, Polymorphism, Code Reusability
  7. Error Handling (try…catch)
  8. ES6 Modules
  9. WebSockets, Socket.IO
  10. Fetch API and AJAX
  11. LocalStorage, SessionStorage
  12. Promises
  13. async/await
  14. High Order Functions
  15. Closures
  16. Recursion
  17. Pure Functions, Side Effects, State Mutation, Event Propagation
  18. Function Scope, Block Scope, Lexical Scope
  19. Object.create, Object.assign
  20. Prototypal Inheritance, Prototype Chain
  21. Factories, Classes
  22. new, Constructor, instanceof, Instances
  23. DOM, Document Trees
  24. IIFE, Modules, Namespaces
  25. Bitwise Operators, Typed Arrays, Array Buffers
  26. JavaScript Engines
  27. Message Queue, Event Loop
  28. setTimeout, setInterval, requestAnimationFrame
  29. Call Stack
  30. Primitive Types
  31. Value Types, Reference Types
  32. Implicit, Explicit, Nominal, Structural, Duck Typing
  33. == vs === vs typeof
  34. Expression vs Statement
  35. map, reduce, filter
  36. Ternary Operator
  37. Spread and Rest Operators
  38. Destructuring
  39. Template Literals
  40. Arrow Functions
  41. Array Methods (forEach, some, every, find, findIndex)
  42. String Methods (split, trim, replace)
  43. Object Methods (keys, values, entries)
  44. Math Methods (floor, ceil, random)
  45. JSON and Object Serialization/Deserialization
  46. Costly Operations, Big O Notation
  47. Partial Application, Currying, Composition, Pipe
  48. Implicit vs Explicit Coercion
  49. Event Bubbling vs Capturing
  50. Testing with Jest or Mocha

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this book aims to enhance your understanding of JavaScript and improve your coding skills.